KÉZMŰ Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft.

In addition to performing our core operations in a responsible way at our Companies (local manufacture by workers with reduced work capacity), we are also engaged in extensive additional social responsibility programmes. The common elements of our initiatives include facilitating sustainability and representation of the cause of enabling workers with reduced work capacity.

Our internal CSR programmes:

  • TehetségAlap/Talent Fund: our application scheme enables the recognition of our co-workers’ activities outside work, setting examples for others to follow. We are looking for and assist colleagues of outstanding talent and achievement in arts, sports, and other fields. We provide an opportunity and space for our talented employees to show their creations, works and activities, and facilitate individual development by way of operating a fund from which various sums are allocated annually.
  • Élelmiszermentés/Saving food: in close cooperation with the Hungarian Food Bank Association since May 2017, on a daily basis, we provide our employees with vegetables, fruits and baking products that are close to the end of their shelf lives but still suitable for consumption, now at as many as five sites across Hungary. Annually we save more than 120 tonnes of foodstuffs and allocate them to those in need.
  • ERFO Foundation: our corporate foundation financially helps families with members with disabilities, facing particularly heavy social and financial difficulties, as well as individuals in crisis.

CSR programmes outside the company :

  • Sponsoring Hungarian designers: although our manufacturing structure is geared primarily for large scale serial production; however, we also supply Hungarian designers with cutting and sewing textile and leather products. In such cases we cooperate with our customers, even from as early as the design phase to the completion of the finished product, paying particular attention to optimised and sustainable material use.
  • Creating opportunities for students with disabilities: our Group establishes strategic partnerships with institutions educating young people with disabilities to provide them with suitable future perspectives. In this context our Company hosts so-called practical vocational orientation classes where students can familiarise themselves with our activities and the lives of the working collectives. As a result,
  • We can accomplish social educational and training objectives providing effective assistance for students with special educational needs, and helping students find jobs after completing their studies.
  • After the assessment of competencies, we can immediately provide jobs for students who have completed their training at a vocational school.
  • Personalised mentoring, tailored to individual requirements, also enables young people, having successfully chosen their working activities at which they are good, to continue their improvement and take higher level jobs in the Group.
  • Social awareness raising programme for primary and secondary school students: the attitude of people without disabilities to people with disabilities is characterised with a certain reservation in today’s society largely because of the lack of information and misinformation, resulting in a gap between these two groups. Our programme is aimed at eliminating these reservations and bring people with disabilities closer to young people. This programme is offered to schools free of charge.

For more information on our programmes please contact us at kommunikacio@kezmu.hu.